
Andrew’s story

Filip’s story

Ever since Filip was saved in 1997, he and his wife Olga felt called to serve in the local church and to also build platforms for believers from different churches, where they could meet and work together for God’s glory. One of their initiatives was children’s ministry in Ukraine, where for the past 10 years they have been able to invite a number of volunteers from several churches to run day camps for children in 7 different locations across the western part of the country.

Olga’s heart has always been with women’s ministry, where she took up an initiative to create a movement called “Women Connecting.” Along with a team of 6 women from different churches, she is able to reach out to unbelievers by organizing evangelistic outreaches.

Filip on the other hand has been involved in men’s ministry and leadership development. He also serves as an elder in the Second Baptist church in Gdańsk, and as a member of the board at Christian Student Association.

Together they have organized a number of evangelistic family camps and retreats for couples – always in a cross-denominational environment.

“After several months of working two jobs and intensive prayer, they both decided to let go of their professional careers and serve God full time as missionaries.”

At the same time they pursued their careers in the business world. In the year 2000 Filip started working at the second largest insurance company in Poland, where he has held several managerial positions, leading teams from 10 to more than 200 people. Olga pursued her career in marketing and PR, recently working for one of the biggest educational publishers in the country.

» The breakthrough moment

The breakthrough moment came when they learned about the vision of Evangelical Poland – a movement aimed at bringing Christians together in the service of the Lord. The ultimate goal is to see evangelical Christianity grow from .2% to 1% of the population by 2050. This vision touched them so deeply, that they decided to join the movement as volunteers, leading two projects in the field of their expertise. After several months of working two jobs and intensive prayer, they both decided to let go of their professional careers and serve God full time as missionaries. They want to devote the rest of their lives to the vision of unity among evangelical Christians – something that John 17:21 tells us was very near to Jesus’ heart as well.